Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Think Beyond.. think better

What is it with Marathi Manoos? Why does a person need to belong to a particular religion, caste, state or even a country? Well I can understand it will be a nightmare to remove the country boundaries but then at least people shouldn’t discriminate within their own country. We can at least make an effort to live harmoniously in our home country. But no, there are enough fools around who just can’t get this into their so called brains. I guess there is a serious need to teach civics right from scratch to all Indians. They keep forgetting the fundamental right to freedom of any citizen of India. It clearly states you have a freedom to freely move across India, settle anywhere in India and of course take up any occupation anywhere in India.

Back to Marathi manoos. Why is it so difficult to put efforts to get a job? Why do people need a preference? Oh come on if you expect to get everything because you were born in a region which was luckily developed, by British for their own needs, without any efforts then… well what should I say, you are sick. Let me tell you life is never easy. Even I am a Maharashtrian and I hate it when people crib that their jobs are being taken away. Why is it that people like to sound miserable and that they really can’t stand on their own? I believe anybody who has the will to live will survive and similarly if you really want to get something then you will strive to get it. Isn’t there a saying, “If you decide to do something then the entire universe will conspire for you to achieve it” and yes it is true. If we sit and crib that we aren’t getting a job then definitely we won’t. But instead if we actually go through the pain of deserving it then we will definitely have it.

Since school I have been with people from different regions, speaking different languages but I never found that they conspire for you to loose or just that they like to pull you down. No this is something which these politicians do. At the base level people really live harmoniously. Just for some bunch of votes why to destroy this harmony. And why do people get influenced, god has given you a brain for a reason and not to dumbly follow a person. Every day in school we take a pledge not to discriminate on any basis but how easily we forget it. I wish there will be day when people realize that it’s not their language/ religion/ caste / state that’s helps them prosper / makes them happy, it’s the bond we have with each other, it’s the love we share with each other that makes us happy. A single person, similarly a single community can never excel at everything, it is knowledge that we share across the communities (or shall we say just humans) helps us grow. Remember united we stand divided we fall. Make an effort to come together not to fall apart. Whatever I have expressed doesn’t stand for a single state but I wish everyone across our country realizes this so we can finally have a chance to prosper.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Its always the small things that matter

Isn't it true ? So very true. Whenever we strive to get anything, it always helps if we ponder upon every tiny detail it entails. At least being a software engineer, I have learned a lesson that it really does. Just the other day I was working so hard to get a thing done. Precisely I wanted to draw a string on a windows mobile form in C# using the measurestring function to calculate the length. Too technical, not actually but I need to show off what I am doing after all it suits my profession ;) . Trust me after doing a good enough research on Google I was so confident that it will just be a matter of few hours, I mean hardly an hour. Of course keeping a margin in case things aren't what they seem.

As usual, I was stuck and kept saying all izz well. But for eight hours, even google didn't have mercy on me. I knew right from the moment I got stuck that it's going to be a silly silly thing. And it was, a stupid new line character! Why doesn't MSDN ever document such things. Well nothing against them they have some pretty good stuff there. Then I thought forget it, it's done just move on.

Actually, I kept thinking how the small things matter in our life. We are so engrossed in our routine that we miss out enjoying little things like having a cup of tea with your friends in your patio or just going out for a walk after dinner or well I don't know anything that doesn't require any effort on your part. But we just don't do it coz we are so bogged down with our worries that we forget to live in every moment. Ah, I think I am going off track. But anyways, what I think is we need to appreciate these things, which make us happy. Of course, I do hope that I will follow this. You know it's easy to say. Because I guess, I am too lazy. Still being a hardcore tea lover, I will at least look forward to enjoy tea with my roommates, if not in patio then in the hall, as long as the tea is good place really won't matter.